1. Romanticism; the future of energy. (2022-12-12)
2. Soil moisture. (2022-12-16)
3. Transition towns; Kropotkin. (2022-12-16)
4. Romanticism (2022-12-25)
5. Sustainable futures (2022-12-25)
7. Pedagogy; survival instinct; rocketry (2022-12-29)
8. Sail freight (2023-01-09)
9. Romantic utopian futures. Minerals. (2023-01-10)
10. The energy future; projects. (2023-01-11)
11. Project and networking ideas; workshops. (2023-01-22)
12. Oil, renewables, and all that. (2023-02-14)
13. The Big Bounce (2023-04-19)
14. Edge Collective's pedagogical efforts. Misc. Project notes. (2023-05-22)
15. OSA and related (2023-06-30)
16. Sovereignty; freedom. (2023-06-30)
17. Modernity; sovereignty (2023-07-30)
18. Future of FarmHack; salinity (2023-09-21)
19. Airway; Bolton standards for craniofacial development; biochar; THMs (2023-09-27)
20. Low tech approaches (2023-10-10)
21. Theses regarding the future (2023-10-17)
22. Critique of theses regarding the future; what sort of self-sufficiency? (2023-10-20)
23. big projects, solar pumps (2023-10-24)
24. Ecogathering (2024-11-15)
25. Future of tech (2024-11-15)
26. Tinker, tailor. Societal roles in the age of collapse. (2024-11-15)
27. Towards a more convivial future. Aspirations, narratives, practicalities. (2024-11-15)
28. Brass tacks. A focus for appropriate technology. (2024-11-15)
29. Fallback Design. A collapse-aware design philosophy; human-powered machines. (2024-11-15)
30. Dennis, MA Recommendations. Places to go near Dennis, MA (2024-11-15)
31. Conviviality and the Romantic; Preparation. Alternatives to an 'energy descent' infrastructure; what does preparedness look like? (2024-11-15)
32. Grief and Pragmatism; ideas. How to approach the end of a way of living (2024-11-15)
33. The Anxious Generation. Selected reviews of the book, its analysis, and its recommendations. (2024-11-15)
34. The real risks of Long COVID. A review of recent research on the rates and impacts of Long COVID. (2025-01-01)
35. Miscellaneous projects. Broken wire detection, trailer, pc fan filter, DIY boots (2025-02-04)