It's customary to distinguish two aspects of a COVID test's performance:
(For further explanation of these concepts, see: )
The relative importance of sensitivity and specificity varies depending on the application and the audience for the test:
From a public health or practitioner standpoint, it's desirable to have a test that is both highly sensitive and highly specific. Low sensitivity ('frequent false negatives') means one misses many cases where the virus is present, leading to increased transmission risk; low specificity ('many false positives') means one incorrectly identifies individuals as positive, leading to unnecessary burden on the healthcare system, unnecessary absences from school or work, etc.
From a individual risk standpoint, a test which is highly specific test may still be very useful, even if it isn't very sensitive. I.e.: if a negative test is very likely to indicate a true 'negative', one can simply postpone a social engagement on this basis, and test again when convenient.
The most accurate overall testing technology currently is 'molecular'. 'PCR' is a type of molecular test, as is 'LAMP'. (For more details on this, see
LAMP tests can be performed at home, and seem to be as specific as PCR. See:
Also see: -- which references Lucira as an 'OTC' test (which simply means 'over the counter').
Also: some info from Lucira on the Positive Percent Agreement (PPA):