Edge Collective

Food self-provisioning

Designs and calculations around collective food self-provisioning

Extent of lawns in the US

Sci Am article on lawns

2021-09-07 21:31:25

"nvironmental impacts and resource use of urban agriculture: a systematic review and meta-analysis": https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac1a39

2021-09-09 20:59:18

Food Self-Sufficiency across Scales: How Local Can We Go? https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es5005939

A plan for food self-sufficiency https://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/self-reliance/food-self-sufficiency-zm0z12onzkon

Age of Low Tech

The age of low tech: https://www.resilience.org/stories/2021-09-01/the-age-of-low-tech-by-philippe-bihouix-review/

Presentation on 'the age of low tech' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F39E3Fz8Zdc

discussion of 'ecology of demand' https://youtu.be/F39E3Fz8Zdc?t=2898

insulating body much more efficient than insulating a space

Low Technology Institute


Estimates for how much land / materials needed to feed X people



2021-12-06 13:00:36

Ben Falk's Whole System Design: https://www.wholesystemsdesign.com/

Associated permaculture design course: http://wholesystemsdesign.squarespace.com/permaculture-design-course/

2022-02-04 22:32:21

David Holmgren

permaculture / retrosuburbia materials ...

Review of Retrosuburbia https://www.resilience.org/stories/2018-04-26/my-review-of-david-holmgrens-retrosuburbia/

retrosuburbia resources

'unintentional community as critical path more than designed ecovillages': https://youtu.be/Mk48lxgs-5c?t=2102

"The art of frugal hedonism" https://www.amazon.com/cart/smart-wagon?newItems=C2d2d3c3b-a409-4c5c-ad3d-7ff691399319,1&cartObjectKey=NC1KR8QHPRJF1KPT1225

Good summary retrosuburbia presentation:

"america invested all of its post-war wealth in a form of living that has no future: suburbia." -- Howard Kunstler

2022-02-07 18:20:46

Local permaculture resources in Waltham, MA ...
