Microcontroller setup
Research in support of choosing an appropriate microcontroller.
The ESP32 S2 is low-cost, and has:
- a chip that can be readily sourced, relatively easy to SMT solder
- low power
- wifi
- CircuitPython compatibility
It is also nicely placed on the Feather ESP32 S2 TFT along with a display,
- What's the sleep current?
- Is it possible to use the Arduino version of the Radiohead library, in Arduino, on it? And load a pre-compiled binary onto it, 'drag / drop'?
- Is there a nice 'watchdog timer' function for it?
Watchdog timer
CircuitPython documentation on the watchdog timer: https://docs.circuitpython.org/en/latest/shared-bindings/watchdog/index.html
-- looks like it's available on the esp32s2